Tips for Bathroom Organization

Ideally, we’d probably all love for our bathrooms to feel peaceful, clean, and tidy at all times. However, sometimes that is not the reality of what we experience.
Usually we use our bathrooms to get ready for our day. Perhaps we feel a bit rushed as we head out for work, school, or daily errands. As a result, our bathrooms may be left in a bit of disarray from day to day.
So, let’s dive right in to take a look at some simple strategies that we can implement to help our bathrooms feel, tidy, clean, organized, and easier to manage!
#1. Throw away or donate toiletry items that you do not use or need.

Oftentimes our bathrooms are a place where we keep shampoos, conditioners, hair styling products, creams, toothpastes, and more. Many of us rarely take the time to go through and discard items that we are simply no longer using or don’t need. *Tip: If you haven’t used an item in about a year, you can probably let it go. Another tip is, if you have multiples of one type of item, you can probably go ahead and consider getting rid of the extra and just keeping one.

For example, if you have three curling irons, you may want to consider simplifying your inventory to just one. As “the Minimal Mom” says, the less inventory you have to manage, the easier it is to keep things tidy and clean.

Julianna of “The Simplicity Habit” shares some thought provoking statistics about clutter and decluttering. Among them, is a statistic she sourced from PRNEWSWIRE.COM that says, “Getting rid of clutter would eliminate 40% of housework in the average home, according to the National Soap and Detergent Association.”

So, declutter, declutter, and declutter some more!
You can use a black trash bag for any items that you discard, as well as a cardboard box for any items you plan to donate.
#2. Donate Towels and Washcloths that You No Longer Need

Consider downsizing the amount of towels, hand towels, washcloths, and even floor mats that you use in your bathroom. Donate any items that you are no longer using or don’t need. Having less bathroom linens to manage can make it easier to keep your bathroom de-cluttered and tidy.
#3. Properly Dispose of Expired Medications

Check with your local authorities to see if they have a medication drop off collection area in your city or county. Ensure that you check your local guidelines to properly dispose of expired or unused medications. Cleaning out your medicine cabinets of expired and unused items, can make it easier to maintain an orderly system for organizing your bathroom.
#4. Discard Empty Containers

It can be easy to collect empty containers in our bathrooms. Whether it’s empty shampoo bottles, hair sprays, soap dispensers, or creams, consider taking time to throw these away. This will make it easier to put away the items that you currently use on a daily basis. It will also help your space to feel more calm and decluttered.
#5. Simplify Your Cleaning Products

Some of us keep all of cleaning products even if we are not using them, or don’t like them. Consider pairing down your cleaning supplies to just two or three. Tip: Choosing natural products such as cleaning vinegar may go a long way in cleaning multiple spaces in your home and can also be a safer option free of toxic chemicals.
#6. Clear Off Flat Surfaces

There is no doubt that flat surfaces tend to collect clutter. Whether it’s your counter-top or floors, it can be so easy to set things down on these spaces and never come back to clear them off. Make an effort to try to maintain clear counter-tops and floors. It will make a big difference in how your bathroom feels. If you do need to keep items on your countertop, try to keep them isolated to a small portion of the counter, and be sure to check out the next tip!
#7. Contain the Clutter

As “The Minimal Mom” says on her YouTube Channel, “contain the clutter.” In other words, use containers, baskets, bins, totes, etc, to provide a home for items or contain clutter. If you have items sprawled around your countertop, consider consolidating them into a small bin or basket. This will immediately help your space to feel less cluttered and overwhelming. You can then go back to the basket or bin to sort through all of the items and place them in a more permanent “home” when you have more time.
#7. Group Like Items Together

Once you have decluttered your space, you will want to take some time to group like items together. This will allow you to store them in the same place. For example, you can store your hair ties together in one area, hair clips in another area, and hair brush in another area.
#8. Give Every Item a Home

Ideally, every item in your bathroom should have a home. Using organizational bins for drawers, or dividers, can go along way in helping you to designate specific spaces for your belongings. These bins, dividers, and other organizational systems can provide a consistent home for your items and make it easy to put them away each time they are used.
#9. Use Labels

Using labels can go a long way in helping you and other members of your family to remember where an items belongs. Labels also become a consistent visual reminder of the items you have in your home, thereby making it easier to find things when you need them.
#10. Have a Designated Place for Paper Supplies

Having a designated space for toilet paper and paper towels in your bathroom can help this space to feel more neat and tidy. If you have a space behind closed doors such as in a cabinet or drawer, that may help even more. However, if your drawers or cabinets don’t have space, consider using a decorative basket or bin in a designated spot or your bathroom where you can store your extra toilet paper rolls and paper towels.
#11. Take Trash Out Daily

Taking the bathroom trash out daily can be a helpful way to maintain a clean and tidy space. Getting in the habit of taking your bathroom trash out at the same time each day can make it easier to remember to complete this task regularly.
#12. Have a Routine

Having a simple cleaning daily cleaning routine for your bathroom can be very helpful. It can involve clearing countertops every day, placing items in their “homes” or using a temporary basket to “contain the clutter”. You can also include tasks such as wiping down bathroom counters, quickly picking up debris from the floor, and doing a quick toilet swipe cleaning with some vinegar or natural cleanser.
Be Encouraged

We know that simplifying and organizing is not always easy. We hope these tips are helpful for you in the process of organizing your bathroom and creating a tidy, easier to manage space. If you are trying to declutter, simplify, and organize your home, be encouraged and don’t give up! You are not alone. Each step you take towards a more peaceful, and less cluttered space is a win.
Stay Encouraged

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